UTI MF Multi Asset Allocation Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Tata Equity PE Fund Reg (IDCW Trigger B - 10 percent)

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 102.8273
24-02-2025 103.2453
21-02-2025 104.4117
20-02-2025 105.526
19-02-2025 104.5863
18-02-2025 103.8393
17-02-2025 103.6883
14-02-2025 103.6674
13-02-2025 105.7402
12-02-2025 106.5229
11-02-2025 106.244
10-02-2025 108.4715
07-02-2025 110.2239
06-02-2025 110.6802
05-02-2025 111.2523
04-02-2025 110.0911
03-02-2025 108.4966
31-01-2025 109.6071
30-01-2025 108.4759
29-01-2025 108.7529
28-01-2025 107.153
27-01-2025 107.4894
24-01-2025 109.9605
23-01-2025 111.3976
22-01-2025 110.9847
21-01-2025 111.2652
20-01-2025 113.0156
17-01-2025 111.8027
16-01-2025 111.733
15-01-2025 111.6252
14-01-2025 110.9508
13-01-2025 108.8959
10-01-2025 111.6797
09-01-2025 113.4791
08-01-2025 114.9017
07-01-2025 115.7226
06-01-2025 115.3434
03-01-2025 118.4674
02-01-2025 119.4972
01-01-2025 117.9104
31-12-2024 117.4522
30-12-2024 117.0459
27-12-2024 116.74
26-12-2024 116.575
24-12-2024 116.418
23-12-2024 116.4009
20-12-2024 116.2218
19-12-2024 118.4749
18-12-2024 118.7691
17-12-2024 119.8761
16-12-2024 121.4155
13-12-2024 121.5138
12-12-2024 121.6787
11-12-2024 122.5111
10-12-2024 122.0741
09-12-2024 121.5547
06-12-2024 120.863
05-12-2024 120.6314
04-12-2024 119.8448
03-12-2024 119.5668
02-12-2024 118.9123
29-11-2024 118.4989
28-11-2024 117.9145
27-11-2024 118.5421
26-11-2024 117.8565
25-11-2024 117.7474
22-11-2024 116.0647
21-11-2024 114.3745
19-11-2024 115.2582
18-11-2024 114.5083
14-11-2024 115.3582
13-11-2024 115.4793
12-11-2024 117.8851
11-11-2024 119.2119
08-11-2024 119.0805
07-11-2024 120.0187
06-11-2024 120.7189
05-11-2024 119.5136
04-11-2024 118.6342
31-10-2024 119.636
30-10-2024 119.4783
29-10-2024 119.1216
28-10-2024 118.168
25-10-2024 117.2681
24-10-2024 119.6317
23-10-2024 119.6477
22-10-2024 119.3319
21-10-2024 122.0897
18-10-2024 123.1743
17-10-2024 122.5944
16-10-2024 124.6094
15-10-2024 124.267
14-10-2024 124.2765
11-10-2024 123.0319
10-10-2024 122.7891
09-10-2024 122.6517
08-10-2024 122.0472
07-10-2024 120.7136
04-10-2024 123.1741
03-10-2024 124.3621
01-10-2024 127.0655
30-09-2024 127.291
27-09-2024 127.7811
26-09-2024 127.6401
25-09-2024 127.2995
24-09-2024 127.3759
23-09-2024 127.4363
20-09-2024 126.0847
19-09-2024 125.222
18-09-2024 126.8056
17-09-2024 126.9216
16-09-2024 126.7288
13-09-2024 126.725
12-09-2024 126.466
11-09-2024 124.81
10-09-2024 125.6283
09-09-2024 125.3585
06-09-2024 125.683
05-09-2024 127.3004
04-09-2024 125.28
03-09-2024 126.0133
02-09-2024 125.5517
30-08-2024 125.746
29-08-2024 124.8061
28-08-2024 124.3415
27-08-2024 124.4795
26-08-2024 124.3497
23-08-2024 123.7815
22-08-2024 123.5207
21-08-2024 123.2205
20-08-2024 122.4087
19-08-2024 121.6412
16-08-2024 120.8421
14-08-2024 118.9371
13-08-2024 119.2951
12-08-2024 120.8872
09-08-2024 120.9806
08-08-2024 119.9349
07-08-2024 120.5542
06-08-2024 118.0472
05-08-2024 118.785
02-08-2024 122.6208
01-08-2024 123.6369
31-07-2024 123.2965
30-07-2024 122.9127
29-07-2024 122.2825
26-07-2024 121.7941
25-07-2024 119.7464
24-07-2024 119.187
23-07-2024 118.2985
22-07-2024 118.7318
19-07-2024 118.3715
18-07-2024 120.842
16-07-2024 121.4092
15-07-2024 120.8965
12-07-2024 120.0046
11-07-2024 119.6946
10-07-2024 119.1445
09-07-2024 122.6278
08-07-2024 122.562
05-07-2024 123.1217
04-07-2024 122.7966
03-07-2024 122.95
02-07-2024 121.5636
01-07-2024 122.1633
28-06-2024 120.6913
27-06-2024 120.4696
26-06-2024 120.0785
25-06-2024 119.7299
24-06-2024 118.9687
21-06-2024 118.7367
20-06-2024 118.8378
19-06-2024 118.6141
18-06-2024 119.3883
14-06-2024 118.3842
13-06-2024 117.8964
12-06-2024 117.3721
11-06-2024 116.319
10-06-2024 115.6322
07-06-2024 115.0569
06-06-2024 112.8653
05-06-2024 110.9226
04-06-2024 107.1994
03-06-2024 117.182
31-05-2024 112.4812
30-05-2024 111.8061
29-05-2024 113.0341
28-05-2024 113.7928
27-05-2024 114.3151
24-05-2024 114.6662
23-05-2024 114.2209
22-05-2024 113.3616
21-05-2024 113.2298
17-05-2024 112.1872
16-05-2024 111.4279
15-05-2024 109.9969
14-05-2024 109.0891
13-05-2024 107.846
10-05-2024 107.9589
09-05-2024 106.6379
08-05-2024 109.0285
07-05-2024 108.3154
06-05-2024 109.9344
03-05-2024 111.5608
02-05-2024 111.6189
30-04-2024 110.2302
29-04-2024 109.7117
26-04-2024 109.38
25-04-2024 108.9737
24-04-2024 108.4173
23-04-2024 108.0287
22-04-2024 107.6679
19-04-2024 106.7879
18-04-2024 106.0697
16-04-2024 106.7221
15-04-2024 106.1653
12-04-2024 107.499
10-04-2024 107.9632
09-04-2024 109.6805
08-04-2024 110.0091
05-04-2024 109.5189
04-04-2024 109.1901
03-04-2024 109.104
02-04-2024 108.4497
01-04-2024 107.9802
31-03-2024 106.2347
28-03-2024 106.2503
27-03-2024 105.1324
26-03-2024 105.0696

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